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Largest Operator of Shopify Businesses Selects Kansas City Region for $5 Million E-Commerce Fulfillment Center

by Laura Phillips | Dec 10, 2024

Congratulations to our partners in Kansas City, Missouri, on OpenStore’s opening of its first-ever fulfillment center at the Executive Park Logistics Center. The 113,000-square-foot facility represents a $5 million investment and is expected to bring 46 new jobs and $2 million in payroll to the KC region in the next five years.

“This expansion not only enhances our operational capabilities but also positions us to better serve our customers while implementing technology-driven fulfillment solutions. The future is bright and we’re excited to embark on this next chapter of growth and opportunity with the significant talent resources in the Kansas City region,” said David Reifschneider, head of supply chain at OpenStore.

The Kansas City Area Development Council was proud to partner with the following organizations in attracting OpenStore to the KC region:

State of Missouri

Missouri Department of Economic Development

Missouri Partnership

City of Kansas City, Missouri

Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City Missouri


Express Employment Professionals




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