The recipe for successful economic development continues to evolve, and over the years the need for recruiting a broad base of new talent has made its way to the top of the ingredient list. In fact, talent recruitment often acts as the determining factor in a company’s decision to select one region over another. Cities across the globe are well aware that the community with the most talented people wins, and all are in a tight race to attract and retain the best and brightest.

As the Baby Boomer generation approaches retirement a talent gap is developing due to the significantly smaller population of Generation X. This gap further intensifies the race for talent, forcing cities across the country to compete for the most skilled individuals. To remain in the talent attraction game, where the playing field is constantly fluctuating, regions and companies alike need to rethink their approach to talent recruitment.
Over the last decade, KCADC has supported more than 100 regional employers in attracting top job candidates, from Millennials to C-level executives, by getting them to fall in love with Kansas City along with a job opportunity. KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative offers a full-time consulting service to assist KC employers in telling the story of our region’s culture and lifestyle.
The KCADC Talent Recruitment Initiative helps area companies target and recruit world-class talent to the KC region in a variety of ways, including:
Consulting Services
With a full-time staff solely committed to helping KC area companies attract new talent, KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative provides companies with dedicated and personalized attention.
“We become an extension of the company’s talent acquisition team,” said Jessica Nelson, KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Manager. “Our role is focused on highlighting KC’s lifestyle assets for potential candidates, new hires and employees relocating to the region. By adding this information to the company’s recruiting mix, we’ve attracted extremely talented individuals to the area.”
Customized Communication
KCADC helps companies tell the KC story in a customized way for each candidate going through the interviewing process, from those fresh out of school to senior executives and every career level in-between. Collateral materials ranging from customized maps to testimonial videos, create a recruitment program and approach as unique as the person interviewing.
KCADC Talent Recruitment Advisory Council
The KCADC Talent Recruitment Advisory Council (TRAC), comprised of top human resources executives and recruiters from KC’s largest corporations, further enhances the region’s strategic message. Members of the TRAC provide input into current and future program products and services and help direct KCADC’s dedicated talent recruitment team in a focused and results-oriented way.
Today, more than 75 KC area companies, including Hallmark Cards, Inc., Garmin International, Black & Veatch, and Burns & McDonnell, utilize the Talent Recruitment Initiative on a regular basis.
Learn how your business can stay ahead of the competition in attracting top talent by contacting Jessica Nelson, KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Manager.
See the full article in KC Business Magazine (pages 38 and 39).