For many companies, the right talent is young talent. In a recent blog post, we highlighted how KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative is leading the attraction of the best and brightest young professionals to companies across Kansas City, sustaining our region’s economic growth and quality of life.
“The survey also found 48.4 percent of companies plan to increase their new-graduate hires this year.”
As graduation season comes to an end, companies across the nation are salivating over the increased pool of eligible job candidates who are fresh out of school and in search of their first entry-level position.
According to an article in The Washington Post about the improving job market for recent graduates, the National Association of Colleges and Employers discovered companies plan to hire 8.6 percent more graduates from the Class of 2014 than they did from last year’s graduating class. The survey also found 48.4 percent of companies plan to increase their new-graduate hires this year.
With so many companies selecting from the same pool of new, capable talent, the competition is on, and they should be aware that the playing field is constantly fluctuating. To remain in the talent attraction game, companies need to rethink their methods.

Fortunately for those companies located in the Kansas City region, KCADC’s Talent Recruitment Initiative has a proven track record of successfully marketing the area to young professionals and helping KC companies attract and retain that talent. Here are three examples of how the Talent Recruitment Initiative targets, recruits and keeps young talent in our region:
America’s Creative Crossroads Campaign helps Kansas City companies attract talent by promoting uniquely creative culture and personalities of the KC area. The Creative Crossroads Campaign particularly appeals to young professionals thanks to its strong focus on the vast creative and social scene in the region.
KC Options Magazine, an annual publication, answers one of the main questions companies are faced with when vying for top talent: “Why KC?” KC Options highlights the creative people, places and companies that make our region a top lifestyle and career destination choice.
ExploreKC, a summer-long scavenger hunt and events calendar, showcases major attractions and cultural assets around Kansas City that appeal to young professionals. ExploreKC encourages interns of KC companies to check out all of the different areas of Kansas City while experiencing local entertainment, cuisine, sports, nightlife, history and arts across the region.
For more information on the Talent Recruitment Initiative, as well as opportunities to help your company stay ahead of the curve in attracting top talent to the region, contact Jessica Nelson.